Nowopilj Children's Home II

Novopily - a village with about 800 inhabitants is located in Chernyakhovsky district, Zhitomir region, about 150 km west from the capital Kiev. It is the first years of life that form the foundation of a child's psychological development. And it is very important that at this time the parents, especially the mother, are close to the child. But not all children have such a lucky fate in life.... And such children end up in the orphanage. The reasons are different: for some parents died, for others their parents are in prison, and there are some who were simply abandoned by their parents

Only when the children are in a foster family, they understand that they are wanted by these parents, that they are important to this mom and dad.

And so on July 14, 2020 a joyful event took place in this family when the keys to the new children's home were handed over. The dream of the orphans came true. They found loving parents and a cozy home.

A current picture of the family
Children's homes already opened