Tscherwona Sloboda Children's Home I

Chervona Sloboda is a village with about 9500 inhabitants and is located about 300 km northeast of the capital Kiev in the central Ukrainian region of Cherkassy.

Since August 9th, 2021 it has been obvious that the number of inhabitants in this village will definitely increase soon. The Foundation THE BRIDGE TO LIFE has built a house here, which will become a new home for up to twelve children who have lost their place in their own families.

It is hard to believe that some parents are more attached to alcohol or drugs than to their own children and don’t care when the authorities withdraw parental care. The harm on the children’s souls is often not visible, but we can imagine how these personalities suffer as a result.

Every child is worth loving. Now parents are moving into this Children’s Home, showing the orphans how valuable and unique they are. The bridge to new life can now be built in this place.

Children's homes already opened

Insights into the construction process and family life