Basic Principles:
The Foundation has core assets invested in accordance with the statutory regulations with a bank that manages the fund. The yields obtained are generally enough to cover all the ongoing administrative costs.
This means that 100 percent of all donations and contributions are available to be used directly for the designated projects.
1. Donations (contributions to the core assets)
Donations are generally permitted and accepted gratefully from those who identify with the working methods and objectives of the Foundation.
2. Donations and Gifts
Those donations and gifts that are not intended for the core assets are used exclusively to fund the fulfilment of the Foundation’s objectives.
Donations and gifts designated for a specific purpose are used wholly for the designated projects. If requested, evidence of their use will be provided in the form of documents and pictures.
All donations and gifts are fully eligible for tax exemption under the provisions of German legislation, since the Foundation is recognised as a charitable institution. Confirmation of allocation of funds is issued annually. Please enter your name and address in the purpose of use.
3. Volunteers
It is possible to get involved as a volunteer. It is also possible to apply to work on a construction project, especially in the holiday periods. This helps to reduce building costs, enabling us to implement even more projects. Ideally, applications would come from experienced teams, as this makes their work much more effective, but individuals are also warmly welcomed to support existing teams.
All help given contributes to a spirit of cooperation and will provide even more children with a future worth living.
If you would like to offer financial support for the work of the Foundation, please use the following bank details:
Sparkasse Minden-Lübbecke
IBAN: DE54 4905 0101 0000 0655 32
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 13
D-32369 Rahden
Tel.: +49 (0)5771 - 7090