Kotelwa is a city-type settlement of about 12,500 inhabitants, located at a tributary river of the Worskla east of Kiev. It also is the administrative center of the Worskla region, east of the Poltawa region. From there were received a request to build a Children’s Home in the area, for there was a dire need for it. A young couple had the desire to raise orphans in a family environment, where they would be able to grow up with dignity, experiencing love and affection.
After finding a suitable lot construction began promptly. Not long after the family could move into their spacious new home on July 1, 2018. Many guests attended the opening ceremony. Amongst them were also officials from the city governance, who were visibly moved while issuing their gratitude.
Now 12 more children will have the chance for a life with the promise of a future.
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 13
D-32369 Rahden
Tel.: +49 (0)5771 - 7090