Beschghioz Children's Home I

The village of Beschghioz is located about 125 km south of the capital Chisinau. About 3,466 people are living in this wooded village.

There is a family with the heart’s desire to take in orphans and children in need out of difficult social backgrounds. The fate of these kids is not indifferent to these parents, they see it as their task to give them hope and prospects for the future. However, because their own living space is not sufficient, they asked for help from the Foundation THE BRIDGE TO LIFE. An appropriate piece of land was quickly sought. Thanks to the cooperation with the local authorities and the community, a suitable place was found and the authorities promptly issued the building permit.

On 22.08.2023, the Children’s House was handed over to the happy family at a festive ceremony with numerous guests. Now up to 12 children can grow up with love and dignity in a family environment. The family is very grateful to the Foundation that their heart's desire was fulfilled in this way.

A current picture of the family
Children's homes already opened