The Foundation already built several Children’s Homes in the Cahul region, about 100 miles south of the national capital Chisinau.
Upon request another one was finished and festively opened in the presence of many guests on October 29, 2018. At the celebration the major said, „This project becomes a living picture für our village that shows the love for orphans. Without this project theses children would not have a hope for their future.“
The young couple had already experienced the needs of orphans in state-owned orphanages. Both realised quickly, that through their own investment these children would have the chance to grow up in a healthy and loving family environment.
Up to 12 children will move into the newly constructed house. Their longing for a live worth living will be fulfilled.
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 13
D-32369 Rahden
Tel.: +49 (0)5771 - 7090