This couple devoted their entire life to the loving care of orphans. When they heard about the foundation and the project of children’s homes, they approached us with the request to also build a children’s home in their area. "This would give us the opportunity to welcome even more children from the state orphanages into our family to provide for them a life of dignity and a future.“ We quickly found a fitting construction site.
With the opening of the newly constructed Children’s Home on January 8, 2017, their dream finally came true. With sparkling eyes the children showed us their new rooms.
„From today on we not only stay here for the night, we actually can live here,“ they explained with excited voices. „We have enough space to play, and look what a huge kitchen we have,“ they continued their tour while jumping all through the house.
The fact that now there are only two children per bedroom, which is furnished with their own wardrobe, is a considerable improvement of their quality of life, since they were before living with 5 other children in a room far too small.
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 13
D-32369 Rahden
Tel.: +49 (0)5771 - 7090