As the people of this litte village heard about the foundation DIE BRÜCKE ZUM LEBEN (THE BRIDGE TO LIFE) and its Children’s Home projects, they said, „this is what we need. This will help us to provide a warm family home and loving parents for children who grow up without perspective, and by doing so build a bridge into a future worth living.“
As soon as the winter weather gets milder the foundation for a new children’s home will be poured so that up to 12 orphans can maybe celebrate their first Christmas ever in the sheltered circle of family in 2017.
On November 29 the long-awaited day had finally come and the desperately needed Children’s Home could be opened with a festive celebration.
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 13
D-32369 Rahden
Tel.: +49 (0)5771 - 7090