Power generators against darkness and cold

The terrible situation in Ukraine continues. Many homes and families are still partially, or completely, affected by the power cuts. Especially in winter and cold days the situation is very serious. How to prepare the food? How do we keep the rooms warm? How to do the schoolwork? These are the questions that local people ask themselves, which we take for granted. We were able to buy electricity generators for all the families in the children's houses, for which we express our sincere thanks to the donors who participated in this so necessary project.


"We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help in purchasing the generator. It was vital for our family. We are very happy about such a wonderful gift and thank God daily for your compassionate heart that you are not indifferent to our need. We, Viktor and Nadezhda Sukaz, are currently caring for and raising 9 children, 7 of whom are orphans. At the beginning of February the 10th child will be born.... Thanks to the generator, it is always warm in our house, we have water and electricity. Before, we did not appreciate this to the full extent. Now we can always prepare a meal or wash ourselves. Now we don't have to worry about how to get the house warm when the baby is born or how the children will get ready for school when there is no electricity. Now the kids can always play or do homework because thanks to the generator we have it warm and bright at all times. This also means we don't panic about the freezer defrosting and all the food spoiling..."
"We are an ordinary family that decided to serve children because they were in very difficult circumstances. Our heart cannot remain ungrateful because you opened your heart to our need and gave us a generator. This has allowed us to see and understand God's love in our lives much better. Our country is currently experiencing difficult times. When our life can go out at any time not only the light.... Do we then appreciate this benefit? You turn on the light and don't give a second thought to how important it is! It is appreciated only when it is cold and dark. When you can no longer cook dinner, it's cold in the house and the kids can't do their homework. Then you wonder when will the electricity come back and there is no water either. In such situations you start to realize that God is close to you, you pray more, the children ask God to help. God has blessed us. We understand that the generator didn't fall from the sky, but God moved you to buy it and give it to us."
A few families with their new electricity generators.